Actress Naomika Saran has grabbed the headlines ever since she made her rare appearance at the Sky Force screening. She is also making her way to Google searches as people think, Who is Naomika Saran? Akshay Kumar Anamika Saran relation, also Dimple Khanna Naomika Saran.
Naomika Saran goes viral with her rare appearance at the SKY Force screening
Naomika Saran snapped at the SKY Force screening with Dimple Kapadia. Several pictures and videos of the same surfaced on the internet. The screening was held at Juhu last night. She made her stylish entry holding Dimple Kapadia’s hand.
As soon as her pictures and videos went viral on the internet, netizens shared their views in the comments as they found their ‘new crush’. One of the users wrote, “OMG who is she?” asked an Instagram user. Another commented under a viral video, “She’s so pretty.”
All about Naomika Saran
Naomika Saran was spotted at the SKY Force screening donning a black peplum top and flared pants. She is the daughter of former actress Rinke Khanna, also known as Rinkle and businessman Sameer Saran. She is the granddaughter of the late legend Rajesh Khanna and actress Dimple Khanna. Akshay Kumar’s wife, Twinkle Khanna, is her aunt, while Aarav and Nitara are her cousins.
Naomika has over 97.3K followers on Instagram alone. As per her Instagram profile, she is currently studying at New York University’s Tisch School Of The Arts.